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Your Commercial Lighting Contractor in Frederick, MD

Provident Electric provides commercial lighting services in Frederick, MD. As your local commercial lighting contractor, we’re committed to keeping your energy bills as low as possible and your workplace efficient. Our experienced commercial lighting team will customize your lighting according to your needs and ensure it works properly. We offer commercial lighting repairs and maintenance to keep you out of the dark throughout the year. Contact us today to schedule a lighting consultation.

Commercial Business Protection in Frederick, MD

Commercial Industries We Serve

Provident Electric proudly offers commercial lighting and electrical services to all types of industries. The most popular commercial sectors we serve include:

  • Hospitality: As a professional in the hospitality industry, your goal is always to keep your guests happy and comfortable. Whether you manage a hotel, motel, or bed and breakfast, our team can provide the electrical services you need to keep your business running.
  • Small Businesses: We serve all types of small businesses to keep you safe and efficient with proper electrical writing. We understand you need to keep the lights on and help your customers feel as comfortable as possible.
  • Food and Beverage: There are many reasons restaurant owners need commercial electrical services, from customer safety and enjoyment to the ability to serve food. A dim light or a sparking outlet can be problematic for customers, and a power outage can prevent you from putting food on the table.

Our Commercial Electric Services

As your commercial lighting contractor, Provident Electric guides commercial clients through every stage of design, construction, installation, and maintenance or repairs. Our experienced team can install or repair the following:

  • Hospital commercial electrical systems and equipment
  • Electric signs and outline lighting
  • Air conditioning and refrigeration equipment
  • Generators and transformers
  • LED lighting
  • Elevators, escalators, moving walks, platform lifts, stairway chairlifts, and dumbwaiters
  • Busways and auxiliary gutters
  • Integrated electrical systems
  • Solar photovoltaic (PV) systems

To safely handle your property, we’re qualified to maintain all the following commercial-grade electrical systems:

  • Manufactured wiring systems
  • Capacitors above or below 1,000 volts
  • Branch circuits, including outside circuits and feeders
  • Surge arresters
  • Commercial control panels
  • Commercial storage batteries
  • Overhead service conductors
  • Conduit bodies, fittings, and handhole enclosures

Led Lighting Installation

LED lighting is an excellent solution if you’re looking for the perfect way to cut down on energy costs. LED lighting brings your commercial services to life with a longer lifespan than incandescent bulbs and a lower energy usage. LED lighting is perfect for everything from accent lighting to specialty area lighting.

Call Today for a Free Consultation

Provident Electric is proud to be your local commercial lighting contractor. We can also provide overcurrent protection to prevent unexpected power outages. Our team will recommend and supply various commercial-grade cables and conduits. We ensure the cables and conduits are perfect for business and office wiring and identify grounded conductors carrying electrical currents to mark them safely. Whether you’re planning to break ground on a brand-new business opportunity, or you need to maintain the highest standard of safe working conditions, Provident Electric is your partner in Frederick. We hold ourselves to the highest standards to offer optimal services. Contact us today for a free consultation.

Get Started with a Free Consultation