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Home’s Switches and Outlets Improve Electrical Safety, Nationwide

Improve Electrical Safety by Upgrading Switches and Outlets

Depending on the age and condition of your home, its electrical switches and outlets may no longer be safe or efficient. Older switches and outlets not only cause inconveniences to modern life and make it harder to power modern appliances and electronics, but they also increase the risk of a power surge, power outage, electrical arcing, electrical fire, and electrocution. At Provident Electric, our experienced residential electricians can perform an electrical safety inspection to determine if you need to upgrade or replace any of the switches or outlets in your home. Here is a look at how upgrading your home’s switches and outlets in Frederick, MD, can improve the electrical safety of your home.

Understanding Different Types of Home Outlets and Switches

Modern homes can use many different types of electrical outlets and switches depending on the household’s needs and lifestyle. It’s important to understand the different types of outlets and switches available to you, and the purpose and benefits of each:

  • USB outlets – These outlets allow you to power small electronics and appliances that use USB cords so that you don’t need to use an adapter.
  • GFCI outlets – These are ground fault circuit interrupter outlets and they are a safety feature required in all homes. GFCI outlet upgrades are required in any room that is wet or comes into contact with moisture, such as bathrooms, laundry rooms, basements, utility rooms, and kitchens. They shut off power when they sense moisture intrusion and prevent electrocution or electric shock.
  • AFCI outlets – These are arc fault circuit interrupter outlets and protect against arc faults. An arc fault is when an electrical current escapes a wire and jumps from one wire to another, which can cause an electrical fire.
  • Childproof outlets – Childproof outlets or tamper-resistant receptacles (TRR) are designed to prevent a foreign object from being inserted into an outlet. Childproof outlet installation can protect children and adults with diminished capacity from electrocuting themselves.
  • Smart outlets – Smart outlets can be controlled using your home automation system.
  • Toggle switch – This is a standard light switch that has a lever that is flipped up or down.
  • Rocker switch – This switch is broad and flat and is pressed at the top or bottom to turn a light or appliance on or off.
  • Slider switch – A slider switch has a small slider that is moved along a path to increase or decrease the brightness of a light.
  • Push button – This type of switch has a button that turns a light or appliance on or off.
  • Smart switch – Smart switch technology allows you to control one or more lights or appliances using your home automation system.
  • Dimmer switch or knob – A dimmer switch or knob allows you to control the brightness of one or more lights in an area.
  • Occupancy or motion sensor switch – This type of switch has a sensor that detects when someone enters a room or area of your home. It automatically turns lights on when it senses someone is there, and turns them off when it senses someone has left.
  • Timer switch – A timer switch can be used on interior or exterior lights and operates on a timer or schedule to turn lights on or off, even if no one is home.

Signs You Need to Upgrade Your Home’s Switches and Outlets

If you have an older home, are making upgrades or renovating your home, or are building a home addition, you may need to install new switches and outlets. Upgrade your home’s switches or outlets if:

  • You no longer have enough outlets to meet your household’s power needs.
  • You are using multiple extension cords or power strips to power your appliances, electronics, or lights.
  • Your outlets have burn or scorch marks on them.
  • One or more outlets no longer work.
  • You do not have GFCI outlets in bathrooms, kitchens, or other required areas.
  • The outlets feel hot.
  • The outlets are loose and plugs fall out.
  • One or more switches no longer work, are loose, or only work sporadically.
  • You see smoke or sparks coming from the outlet, get an electric shock, hear a buzzing noise, or smell a burning or fishy odor.
  • Electrical cords or extension cords look burnt, damaged, or melted.
  • You want to take advantage of more modern outlet or switch options, such as smart outlets or switches.

Benefits of Updating to Newer Switches and Outlets

Upgrading your home’s outlets and switches can improve the safety, energy efficiency, convenience, and comfort of your home. If you plan on selling your home in the future, upgraded switches and outlets can increase your home’s resale value or make it easier to find a buyer. The biggest benefits of upgrading your switches and outlets are:

  • Enhanced electrical safety, overloaded circuit prevention, and reduced risk of electrical shock, electrocution, electrical fire, arcing, power surges, and other issues
  • Increased convenience and access to the right switches and outlets for your household’s needs
  • Reduced reliance on dangerous or inconvenient extension cords and power strips
  • Ability to take advantage of more modern features like smart home features and accessibility features
  • Improve aesthetics by choosing switches and outlets that complement the design of your home

Schedule GFCI or Childproof Outlet Installation

At Provident Electric, our experienced residential electricians can inspect your home’s outlets and switches and assess their age, condition, efficiency, performance, and safety. We can help you determine what type of outlets and switches you need in each area of your home to enhance its safety and improve your convenience and comfort. We offer electrical safety inspections, electrical repairs, installations and upgrades, and more. We can install childproof and tamper-resistant outlets, dimmer switches, smart outlets and switches, room occupancy sensors, motion-sensor light switches, three-prong outlets, GFCI and AFCI outlets, USB outlets, and more. Call us now or contact us online to schedule a consultation for outlet and switch upgrades in Frederick, MD, or throughout Maryland, D.C., and Virginia.