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Provident Electric are Forerunner of Commercial Lighting

Provident Electric is your go-to for commercial lighting control solutions in Mt. Airy and Middletown, MD. We offer innovative systems that can be scaled for small businesses and high-traffic hospitals and are designed to integrate seamlessly into your current fixtures and regulatory requirements. The lighting controls and building systems we create are designed to improve energy efficiency, optimize lighting throughout the building, and give you more system control. Not only that, but our commercial listing control systems can enhance your business’s security. If you’re ready to learn more about our energy-efficiency solutions and to schedule a free consultation, call us today.

Office Interior Showcasing Commercial Lighting Sevice in Frederick, MD

Experience Our Commercial Lighting Control Strategies

Commercial lighting control systems allow for operational flexibility in lighting to support energy management and varying needs. The control device and systems accept input and decide how to reduce the lighting best as well as control the load as an output. Someone can make these decisions automatically based on several factors, such as time, occupancy, or energy management systems. Here is a look at some of the strategies utilized by lighting controls and building systems:

  • Occupancy – We utilize sensors to ensure lights are on in rooms with actual occupants. This is done through sound detectors or heat and movement sensors. These are ideal for areas without constant use, such as conference rooms, storage, or bathrooms. It can also be used in parking garages.
  • Time Clock Scheduling – This strategy informs your system to change the lighting based on the date and time. Time clock scheduling is generally better suited for larger spaces with lights on for safety or security purposes.
  • Energy Monitoring – An excellent platform for customers looking to help identify energy usage to conserve energy and reduce energy bills.
  • Daylight Harvesting – These controls automatically adjust based on the incoming sunlight. As the sun rises and sets, the lights change to ensure the best light levels for the space.

Our Process For Creating Commercial Lighting Systems

Commercial lighting systems can vastly improve efficiency and security around your business. Understanding this, we’ve taken steps to help streamline the process, ensuring a seamless installation of your new control system. This process was designed to ensure all our client’s needs were met while remaining within a budget to deliver a high-quality product. Here is a quick look at our process:

  • Contact – Reach out to us through our online contact form or with a phone call. When talking to one of our representatives, discuss your light control project in as much detail as possible. We’ll provide some recommendations and information regarding our packages. Still, we want to ensure we have as much information as possible to create a custom system catered to your needs.
  • Quote – After our discussion, we’ll estimate the project. This may include needing one of our technicians to inspect the site to get proper measurements and a visual understanding of the property. Our team will go over the quote with you and explain the plan and all the benefits that are working with us bring.
  • Installation – Our trained technicians will seamlessly install and integrate your new commercial lighting control system. We’ll walk you through how to use the system while showing off all the different uses.
  • Maintenance – If anything happens to your system, feel free to contact us, and we’ll send a technician to correct the issue. We offer 24/7 emergency services to give our clients peace of mind.

Benefits of Commercial Lighting Control

Despite the role lighting plays in everyday business, it’s not something an individual thinks about often. Lighting can help ensure proper safety and security requirements are met while providing a better environment for your workers. The LED lighting controls for commercial and industrial projects we offer extend beyond being able to light up a room. Here are some additional benefits of utilizing one of our systems:

  • Energy Efficient – With automated lighting systems, you can use the right amount of light when needed. Our techniques significantly reduce energy usage, resulting in lower electricity bills and a small carbon footprint.
  • Improved Safety and Security – Through sensors, you can have lights activated based on sound or movement, allowing people to navigate through areas safely or illuminating the outside of your business to deter potential criminal actions.
  • Convenience – The control systems offer multiple ways to manage the lights in your business. You can switch your lights on and off through wall-mounted controls or hand-held systems.

Industry Leaders in Lighting Controls and Building Systems

Our commercial lighting control systems installation service can revolutionize how your business handles lighting. The control system can be programmed using several functions to best meet the space’s needs. Our experienced and certified technicians can seamlessly install and integrate the system into your existing lighting granting additional control and options. Contact one of our knowledgeable representatives if you’re ready to learn about the benefits of our lighting control services. We offer free consultations to go over possible solutions for your business.

Get Started with a Free Consultation